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leading to the rapid and healthy development of LCD advertising

来源:互联网     责任编辑:admin     时间:2013年11月15日     点击数:

high what is digital signage? What is the LCD advertising machine and maybe a lot of people have asked this question now, in fact, LCD advertising machine is familiar to us, can see the advertising place almost can see it in our lives right now. Once there is a saying: "don't do as president, advertising people" -- the United States President Roosevelt said. Nowadays, more and more Chinese can understand the meaning of this sentence: the advertising industry, it is a great attraction, the enormous challenge, huge economic and social benefits of the industry. Economic and media development has become a leading advertising industry started to take off and, with the Chinese advertising industry, development and maturity, advertising machine in the media advertising industry should be gradually increased, and various new advertising machine environment such as bamboo shoots after a spring rain like. Whether we go to where? Such as: the train station, subway station, or banks, shopping malls, everywhere can see the advertisement machine figure.
As LCD advertising machine in the retail industry is more significant in the retail sector, many commodities, show more difficult, but the LCD advertising function HD display various types of commodity circulation. With the development of science and technology, people's consumption patterns are changing, into the mall store first caught the sight will inspire the consumer impulse shopping.
Put forward higher request service advertising machine industry matures in related products and software, with similar to the Guangzhou Xing Chi Wang photoelectric so very size and productivity of professional equipment manufacturers efforts, the future will be into a comprehensive advertising machine and enrich our daily life, we always bring more exciting, more exciting the eye of the multimedia information display. Believe that many manufacturers will also with continuous innovation of products, rich product layout and solutions, leading to the rapid and healthy development of LCD advertising machine industry. So it can be more clearly to let people see science and technology changing consumption patterns.
Of course, the new technology is the need for some time, not to get instant results, digital calibration



leading to the rapid and healthy development of LCD advertising